Skillful and talented execution combined with advances in dentistry.


We currently employ “State of the Art” electronic technologies and sophisticated software development techniques for diagnosis and treatment of oral and craniofacial pathologies.


For diagnosis, follow up and treatment


In our office, we use highly innovative and advanced products for the evaluation of dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint, the craniofacial musculature, and the overall stomatognathic system. Using “state of the art” electronic technologies and sophisticated software development techniques.

Jaw Tracking:

Which generates the most accurate examination of mandibular movement available. The most relevant procedures include chewing, speaking, the range of motion, and swallowing. The analysis of the pattern and speed provides tremendous insight into diagnosis and treatment planning.
This “state of the art” equipment allows as performing a different type of tests to better evaluate and treatments to our patients. Following find a description of some of those tests.

Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA):

This test can document, assess, note, describe, evaluate, and record the presence, location, loudness, timing, consistency, and quality of joint vibrations.

This analysis is important to determine and diagnose temporomandibular disorders. Every joint disease has its own characteristics sounds and vibrations.

Electromyography (EMG):

Electromyography (EMG) is the science of recording the electrical activity of muscle fibers. It is a diagnostic procedure that assesses the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons).

The results can reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle dysfunction or problems with nerve-to-muscle signal transmission and it records bilateral, simultaneous measurement of the craniomandibular muscles.

Electrognathography (EGN):

This test can measures and record mandibular movement using a jaw tracking sensor array. Three dimensions of movement can be measured: Vertical, Anterior/Posterior, and Lateral translations or movements.

The activity muscle during mastication is given by masticatory muscle (anterior-temporalis and masseter). Jaw movement velocity and trajectory to characterize the chewing behavior were also recorded by Electrognathography (EGN) during mastication.

Significant differences in sensory attributes, muscle activities, and jaw movements among subjects.

T-Scan System:

The T-Scan system is a valuable tool that aids in the diagnostic process of analyzing a patient’s bite and showing what is and what is not functioning properly. When a bite is unstable it can cause pain, teeth and dental restorations to crack and break, gum disease, tooth loss, headaches, and TMJ Disorder.

Using the T-Scan sensor, we can used to record TA and MM muscle activity during clenching, muscle strength, muscle symmetry or asymmetry, firing time, and bite force.

Range of Motion (ROM):

Most studies show that the maximum jaw range of motion (ROM) or maximum mouth opening (MMO) is related to body size and height. Men can usually open wider than women, taller people more than shorter people. In studies, MMO for adults has generally been around 42 mm.


BioTENS is a compact, Ultra-Low Frequency, Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulator (ULF-TENS). This test (Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation) delivers a precisely regulated, bilaterally simultaneous, direct and rhythmic stimulus to both the masticatory and the facial muscles by short-duration and small amplitude electric pulses.


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